Day 50: Hangin’ With Meth Addicts

May 30, 2017
Mile 651.30 Walker Pass Campground to Mile 656.04 Campsite 

Finally got out of town today. Glow Worm had a package for her shoes that were do to deliver today so the plan was to wait for those before heading out. Unfortunately they didn’t deliver to the motel until nearly 6:00 pm so we wound up spending five hours in Taco Bell for the third day in a row stealing their wifi (I’ve spent like $20 there over the past three days so I guess it’s not stealing). The whole day was weird though. There were several likely meth addicts that wandered in and out of Taco Bell all afternoon and tried talking to us. Or was it themselves? Not really sure, but regardless they were completely out of their minds. There was another woman who spent 10 minutes talking to us about how everything at some store was $1.50 and then proceeded to enlighten us as to how she lost 40 pounds due to her psych medication. Then on top of that Facebook asked Glow Worm if our location at the Lake Isabella Motel was the Bates Motel. Maybe it was the 1960’s motif complete with worn out neon sign or perhaps it was the location of worn out lake town with a rampant drug problem. Regardless, I have never wanted to leave a town so badly especially after spending nearly four days there. 

After Glow Worm finally got her new kicks we got a hitch back to Walker Pass from a guy who thru hiked the PCT last year. It was cool to talk to someone who was one of us and understands what we’re doing. We only did about five miles into the evening before stopping to make camp as we walked into the night. Should only be a couple days to Kennedy Meadows from here. Getting amped!


Day 51: Quarter Distance


Day 49: Not The Gumdrop Buttons!