Day 2: Swimming!

April 12, 2017
Mile 15.38 Hauser Creek to Mile 32.02 Fred Canyon

Began hiking with Kristin up to Lake Moreno. Stopped there at the convenience store and found Bob From Everywhere. He took a service road around Hauser Creek and went all the way to Moreno on the first day. Said he was going to try to get to Fred Canyon and camp with us but so far we have not seen him since. The South African couple Jo and Mick must’ve passed us while we were in Moreno. We met up with them later in the afternoon and then leapfrogged to Fred Canyon. Mick found nice swimming hole and we were able to cool off and clean up after a long hot day. It was very much more desert scrub-like than yesterday. Still plenty of water, but very hot. 16.5 mile day in the heat, but still fun. 

Only 2,643 miles to go!


Day 3: New Feathers


Day 1: Let It Begin